Whoa! Where am I?

__________________________________________________Librarians are encyclopedias of AWESOME__________

Sunday, January 22


Meuble. immeuble

You love me
care for me
like a piece of furniture
polished and ready to display for company
should there ever actually be any

Just the right addition
to your impeccable condo and collections
I have a few nicks that can be hidden
a few smudges that are glossed over
and invisible in the precision of track lighting
I was a bargain
my flaws a fair trade-off
for the void I filled in your master floor plan

You would never abuse my silky finish
or leave me messy, dusty, and dented
in fact
you are most happy to keep a great distance
walking around me in wide angles
throwing over occasional glances of pride
the living room showpiece
the good deal you had been waiting for

It’s not a bad life
for an inanimate object
to be neglected out of love

But being a breathing, heaving, needing creature
of desire and depth and opinion and form
I fear exposure to that kind of affection
will turn me into your coffee table
wooden, hard, hushed
contented with the loving caress of a dry cloth
admired and looked at, but never really seen

It’s not a bad death
for an animate object
to be neglected out of love

©Jenn Carson 2012

Please do not reproduce or quote this work without permission of the author.


  1. Beautiful work Jenn! Hope to read more from you in the future, there is nothing to be doubtful about. Even I as a none native English reader got the point.
