Well, I'm back from my ridiculously long hiatus. I was a bit busy, you know, having a baby and selling a house and moving cities and so forth. But now that that's settled and I'm back in school (MSLIS) I'm going to be spending a whole lot more time sitting in front of this screen. I need to have a diversion from all that, you know...working, so I thought I better get this poor ol' blog up and running.
It's not like I haven't read any books lately. My library card is smoking from use. And Tim can attest to the stacks of books around here that never really go away, they simply change form and content. If I hazard a conservative guess, I would estimate I've read 100 books since last April's post, and I obviously can't review them all.
But some highlights would definitely be: Pema Chodron's The Places That Scare You, The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding (who knew boobs could be so riveting?) and The History of Love by Nicole Krauss, which I haven't quite finished on purpose because it is so good I want to draw it out.
Speaking of boobs, I also read Stacked: A 32DDD Reports from the Front by Susan Seligson which, as an owner of a pair of 32Ds (34Fs at present thanks to the milk!), gave me a tickle. She describes being in plow pose in a yoga class and nearly drowning in her cleavage. I can relate. There have been moments while teaching yoga that I've had to come out of a pose I was demonstrating to students in order to explain something because I couldn't be heard through a mouth full of doughy breast flesh. "Then mrurf yur mbows ash clmosh togemer ash moffible..." is a bit indecipherable to even the most attentive yogi. The book was nothing special, mostly just a light-hearted overview of the ridiculous lengths women will go to to get the giant (albeit fake) melons most men desire and the health consequences. But it was still a fun beach read. In the end, Ms. Seligson, gets a topless shot of her own done on a busy street in Little Italy (I'm not going to post it here due to "internet traffic" consequences) but you can easily find it on Google Images. She looks pretty good for being 50+ with no work done. If that's what I have to look forward to after nursing two babies with a set the same size, gravity isn't the terrible enemy we all make it out to be. And if you've ever had the (ahem) "pleasure" of seeing a pair of middle-age balls...well, let's just say men would be wise to keep their comments to themselves!
Moving on to mouths, I've been cooking my way through Homemade Pantry by Alana Chernila, which I got for Christmas (thanks mum!). I'm drinking her Chai recipe right now, and it is delicious. Highly recommended. I made her lemonade yesterday (with Meyer lemons instead of regular) and it's lovely, not too sweet, not too sour. I know December is a strange time of year for lemonade, but for a lemon-junky like me, it's always welcome. Plus, you can heat it up, it's good for getting a cloggy nose running!
Another fun cookbook I've enjoyed this year is The Best of Clean Eating. Best. breakfast. bars. ever. Tim even liked them, and they had dried fruit! I've also been on a bit of a raw food kick....but more on that another day. The "girls" have a hungry baby that needs attention. Happy healthy New Year everyone! And, of course, happy reading!
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